Ten days to go.

So all the final preparations have been made. Just going round now dotting the I's and crossing the T's. Yeah Right!!!.

As usual, I've still got forty things on my todo list that haven't even been started but between now and the 11th all preparations will be completed. I visited the venue yesterday to confirm that our booking lists matched and that everyone was booked in and all that is in order. Did some scanning as well for the songbook and those image have to be cropped and prepared for printing.

There is still room for any late-comers so if anyone is interested: email on [email protected]    

Looking forward to seeing everyone again.



    Welcome to the 2011 Dublin Jam blog. By setting up this blog (my first ever!) I'm hoping you will let me know your views on the jam.
    I'm also hoping that between now and November we can schedule a few talks/ demos/ classes/ events etc within the weekend as happened on previous years. So if anyone has any suggestions or offers this is the place to let us know. 


    November 2011
    August 2011
    July 2011
    June 2011
    March 2011
    February 2011

