Irish Banjo?
My daughter Anna kindly photo-shopped up this picture for me.

This certainly is First Post for me! Up to now, I've managed to successfully avoid all blogging, FaceBooking, being LinkedIn and all other forms of public broadcasting. But here goes...

The main purpose of the blog is to give others a chance to comment and help us to make the forthcoming gathering as enjoyable and as informative as possible for those coming to Dublin.

Where else but at a UK Folkies' weekend could you see a dis-assembled banjo, get to play a double-bass or get your banjo electrified?  Not many places that I can think of.

So let us know if you have any suggestions for songs / tunes / skills to share or anything that takes your fancy.



    Welcome to the 2011 Dublin Jam blog. By setting up this blog (my first ever!) I'm hoping you will let me know your views on the jam.
    I'm also hoping that between now and November we can schedule a few talks/ demos/ classes/ events etc within the weekend as happened on previous years. So if anyone has any suggestions or offers this is the place to let us know. 


    November 2011
    August 2011
    July 2011
    June 2011
    March 2011
    February 2011

